About Me

Hi, I ‘m Paula. I’m a dietitian with a passion for plant based eating and healthy living. I started my career as a Clinical Dietitian in a large hospital. Since that time my focus has shifted to my family. My husband applied for life insurance at 23 years old, and we discovered that he had high cholesterol. As a former college basketball player and active person, that came as quite a surprise. We then discovered that he has a family history of early death from Cardiovascular Disease. The first step that we knew to take was to start a cholesterol lowering drug. The drugs lowered his cholesterol but they were still at an elevated level. We always knew that he was in danger of heart disease, but kind of ignored it for about a decade. He used to joke that if he hit the age of 50 he would have done well. We were resigned to the fact that it was something that we couldn’t change. During that time we ate “healthy.” Our diet was chicken, skim milk, lunchmeat… we thought we were making good choices.

We first heard about plant based eating from The Model Health Show podcast by Shawn Stevenson when he interviewed a gentleman named Rich Roll. Rich Roll is a plant based ultra endurance athlete who completely improved his health and athletic performance by adopting a plant based diet. This seemed so weird to us because, of course, “where do you get your protein.” It didn’t take us long to discover the absolute wealth of knowledge on this subject and eventually we sat down and watched Forks over Knives. That settled it. Within a couple of months my husband and I were completely plant based. My husband lost weight, lowered his cholesterol, and we both felt better than ever! That was in June of 2015. Fast forward almost 5 years and we are more committed now than ever. Join me as I show you foods and recipes that our family eats on a daily basis.

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